In-person Sessions

My work shines brightest in person. You’ll receive my full attention, energy and the subtle, intimate magic of being together.

Primarily based in London, I frequently travel and may be available to come to you for in-person sessions.

Sessions can be booked individually or as part of a transformative support package. During our consultation, we'll determine the best fit for you.

Deep healing and transformation through the simplicity of touch, presence and permission.

  • Especially designed for women who sense blocks around receiving love and creating through the heart, this unique offering combines the ancient wisdom of a cacao ceremony, heart-centered energy work, integrative bodywork, and gentle awakening breast massage.

    What to expect:

    -Release stagnant emotions and invite in a sense of clarity and knowing in your heart.

    -Nurture a deeper connection with yourself, fostering self-love and acceptance.

    -Connect with your sensuality and the soft power that lies behind your walls.

    This session is ideal for women who:

    -Sense blocks around receiving love and creating through the heart.

    -Are on a journey to know themselves intimately

    1.5 hours - £126.

    Booking Information:

    For inquiries and reservations, feel free to reach out via email,

    Discover your own potential for love, and radiant joy. Your heart deserves it. 💖🌿

  • This 3 hour experience is an intimate journey, designed to support you into deeper intimacy with you.

    This ritual offers a unique opportunity to go deeper into your connection with your body and soul. You may discover new insights into your sexuality, creativity, and relationships, or just experience a deeper sense of your power or erotic innocence. There is power in the Pussy!

    What to Expect:

    • Consultation About Your Yoni Story: We’ll begin the ritual with a personalised consultation to explore and honour your unique yoni journey.

    • Full-Body Integrative Bodywork: Immerse yourself in a holistic approach that integrates various bodywork techniques to allow you to connect deeply with your body.

    • Tantric Massage, Including Yoni Massage: Experience the profound art of tantric massage, featuring a yoni massage, aimed at unlocking deeper connection to your body on all levels.

    This offering is crafted for women who:

    Have extensively explored themselves through personal development, and possess a solid grounding in embodiment work or somatic practice.

    Are looking for a transformative journey to deepen their connection with their body and sexuality.

    Important Note:

    While my work is trauma-informed, it's important to understand that I am not a trauma specialist, and the Yoni Healing Ritual is not a suitable solution for resolving “Capital T” trauma such as childhood sexual abuse.

    Booking Information:

    3 hours £350

    It’s important to feel comfortable with your chosen guides, especially around intimate topics, so I’m always happy to have a chat before booking.

    Feel free to reach out via

  • Discover your authentic sexuality and open your heart to deeper intimacy with all of life.

    These sessions usually combine Massage, Conscious Intimacy practices, Coaching and lots of loving presence!

    If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey of inner transformation, I’d love to support you. Read more here.

  • Kinky play, practiced with care and love can be liberating and transformative, opening your world to new landscapes and possibilities. Conscious Kink sessions are a caring, loving space to explore themes around power, leadership, surrender and desire.

    Working with your limits, boundaries and curiosities, we will create space for you to express yourself freely and to celebrate the sides of you that want to be seen.

    Details of the session to be discussed.

  • Healing, grounding, integration through gentle bodywork, energy work and somatic enquiry.

    Combining Thai Yoga Massage, energy work and intuitive bodywork styles, this session can support you to deeply land in your body and arrive in a place where you feel strongly connected with yourself.